Wow-the last two weeks have been beyond crazy. The two of them ran all three of us around like crazy people while we were gone. Our journey into Africa was very difficult for a multitude of reasons. It was far more difficult than I anticipated. My Mom was a huge lifesaver, we could not have managed without her constant help and energy. I will post more later but I wanted you all to know we are home.
Thank you for the wonderful welcoming at the Airport. Thank you for the meals and all the errands you all have done for us recently. Thank everyone for babysitting and loving on our kids while we were gone. The meals have been most helpful, especially today. While Aaron was at the Doctor with Dereck, it took me 1 hour and 20 minutes to get the munchkins down for a 2 hour nap. And yes it was totally worth it.
We have had a lot of tears around the house lately. From me and the kids. Having twin toddlers will take some fine tuning over these next few months. Mixed into our tears have been fun moments. More in the last couple of days, we are all relieved the plane ride is over.